Tuesday, April 02, 2002

After a couple weeks of not being able to do this, it's sort of hard to get back into the groove.

I owe quite a few people email, this I know. Especially Dave, the ex, who has been writing me some extremely amusing tales of his first month or so of being a Peace Corps volunteer in the Dominican Republic. If you're reading this, Dave, know that you have no clue how much I (and the rest of your friends) miss you. I've wanted to pick up the phone about five kajillion times since you left to call you about some inconsequentially stupid thing that only you and I would think was funny. Grrrr. I promise ya to email you later today.

I've also been doing a bit of catching up on other people's blogs. And I was delighted to see that in my absence I picked up a link or two from other people's pages. Whoo hoo.

Let's see... the personal life... the older guy I was going on dates with, as promised to me by a mutual friend, lost interest in me. Evidently he has a history of this behavior. *shrug* I ran into another old momentary interest a couple weeks ago and did the whole "you stopped calling me, no YOU stopped calling me" dance. And this was while his date for the evening stood by watching. So, we've been talking again. But, our work schedules are virtually opposite. So, i dunno... He's also going through some personal crap. So, i dunno...

I totally owe MASSIVE EMAIL THANKS to the people who bought me birthday presents from Amazon. My computer monitor chose to die the day the boxes from Amazon came. I was gifted with a couple of Edward Gorey books, a Moulin Rouge DVD and the Zero 7 CD. All of it was completely fabulous. Major hugs to JonJon, Doug and George.

Okay... back to cleaning the apartment/pig sty....

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Lafayette, Louisiana, United States