Friday, November 07, 2008

Dear San Francisco (and surrounding areas),

I love you dearly.  I've been so many times and had such an amazing time each time I've visited.  I truly believe you're a king among cities.   The shopping (one of my great loves), the people, the views, the culture, the food....   all beautiful in their own ways.

I've been to several of your great restaurants and I'm so looking forward some day to dining at Chez Panisse, The French Laundry and several other wonderful places.

I've been dying to buy a Nice Collective jacket in one of the many Bay area stores that stock them for a couple of years.

I love strolling through the Castro, the Mission, North Beach and so many other neighborhoods.

I love discovering new flavors of gelato at Naia.

And, I was definitely planning on putting you back on the vacation roster for next year.

However...  Proposition 8 passed.

I know it's not your fault.  You (as a city) supported it.  I realize that you must be crushed in its defeat.

However...  I simply can't spend money in California for the foreseeable future.  I guess you're gonna kind of have to learn to know what my life is like as a gay liberal living in Louisiana.  I suffer much for the opinions of the majority of the people in my beloved state.   And for the last three years, I've suffered even more for the opinions of the people of my beloved city, recently named one of the most conservative cities in the country.

Anyways....  I really hope to see you again soon.  Please, do all you can to change the minds of your people and your state government.

I'm gonna miss you.   Seriously...

Ever so sincerely, 


Sunday, August 31, 2008

So, we are well fortified for the next few days... lots of canned tuna and such, wine, batteries, flashlights, candles, bottled water, propane, etc etc.'

We're bunkering down with me, my partner Don and his mother.  There are also two dogs and two cats.   I refer to the cat that belongs to Don's mother as 'the evil orange beast.'  It's pissed off and prowling the house making grouchy hissing noises.   My lab/terrior mix, Molly, is mystified by her.   Perhaps a bit terrified.

Don's mother is in full diva mode.   I think perhaps she has us confused with the staff of a four star hotel.

This afternoon, 24 hours before the storm, we are going to do what you do when you stay behind for a storm.   We're having a party!   Well, we're having people over to grill food...  lamb burgers, moroccan shrimp, caesar salad, wine, etc.

Perhaps we're fiddling as Rome burns...
Shock of all shocks.... I think I'm going to blog over the next few days.

With Gustav bearing down on us, life may be interesting enough to share...   we'll see...

About Me

Lafayette, Louisiana, United States