Tuesday, June 22, 2004

Quite a few years ago, I was visiting Houston with my boyfriend of the time, Dave, and we stopped at the Bookstar at the corner of Westheimer and Alabama to browse. It's used to be one of my favorite bookstores, just because it's built inside an old movie theater.

While looking through the fiction new releases, I ran across a bookjacket that stopped me in my tracks. It was a beautiful, sort of fuzzy picture of cereal that looked like Fruit Loops. Picking the book up, I quickly realized that I had to buy the it. The title of the book was Mysterious Skin by Scott Heim. I was right to buy it. It became one of my favorite novels. And shortly after I read it, I made some comments about it on an
AOL message board (hey... i said it was QUITE A FEW years ago) which were read by Scott, who then sent me a really sweet email.

We struck up a pretty decent online friendship for a while, due to our overlapping interests in music, art, books and movies. But, as email correspondences do, it faded away over time.

Anyways, Greg Araki is making a movie of the book and I gottta say the trailer looks really promising. So, go buy the book already... (thanks to Jeff for the trailer link)

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Lafayette, Louisiana, United States