Saturday, June 26, 2004

Ok... i'm a cranky son of a bitch. I admit it. I have a hard time meeting new people and making new friends. One of the benefits of the internet has been that I wind up becoming friends with people in rather odd ways. I met Mark through some round about blogging link up, but it was mainly cuz he talked about music that I liked in his blog. I got a message on one of the P2P services one day from a guy named Walter, who rapidly became one of my favorite people on this planet. Through Walter, I discovered P.J., a blogger with exquisite taste in music whose boyfriend just happened to be an ex-roomie of mine. And recently, I noticed that I was downloading a lot of music from a guy named Alexandr on Direct Connect. And then i randomly discovered his playlists of favorite songs on the net. So, I emailed him and we've built up a pretty decent friendship recently.

Yeah... it says a lot about me, I think, that all of these internet friendships are based on their musical tastes. Well, recently, the Direct Connect hub that Alexandr and I "hook up" on wend kablooey. And today I found a descendent of that hub and emailed Alex about it. He showed up in the hub in like five seconds. So... we start chatting... and he gives me a link to his Friendster profile, which leads me to his online journal. And I discover, that like Mark and Walter and PJ, Alex is a total babe...

I'm not sure what my point is... but, I think it's interesting that the 'net leads me to pretty decent friendships with incredibly cute, terribly stylish music fiends...

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Lafayette, Louisiana, United States