Wednesday, June 02, 2004

Ok... so I watch Queer as Folk still... And in some ways, I actually think it's gotten to be a better show.

But, I was really annoyed with the plotline early in this season in which Justin was dealing with his unresolved anger from being gay-bashed at the end of the first season. I thought it was just a bit over the top.

And then I got an email yesterday from Poppy telling me that a mutual friend of ours had been bashed this weekend.

I was in the Quarter Saturday nite and I briefly hung out with one of my friends, who told me about a party he had attended earlier in the night with his boyfriend. But they decided to go their separate ways after the party.

Around 4 in the morning, his boyfriend was walking in the Quarter when a van pulled up along side of him and five guys got out of it and started beating him for no good reason. Some teenage girls came running to help and the big bad men ran away from them. But, the damage was done. He needed nine hours of surgery and will probably never regain more than 20% of the vision in one his eyes.

I'm unbelievably angry and sad. There's nothing I can do right now besides to let them know that they're in my thoughts and to offer to be there when and if they need help.

But, I don't think that storyline was so over the top right now. Given the chance, I could easily do violence to these guys and I wasn't even the victim...

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