Tuesday, August 20, 2002


So, as I write... Clee should be safely back in San Francisco...

This past weekend was great. I went into it with knowing I was glad that Clee was coming back to visit but with a lot of trepidation over having a houseguest for 4+ days. I'm a solitary guy. I like my space. And I can get bitchy.

No space was needed. Clee is perfection to hang with. There can't be a more laid back guy on this planet. And Keisha likes him a lot. So, all was well. Better than well. All was pretty much damned near perfect.

A brief rundown of the weekend:

Thursday: I picked him up at the airport and, at his request, we went to Juan's Flying Burrito for dinner. Then we hit the Quarter for drinks and standing about at Lafittes, the Pub and Good Friends. I'm in love with the video screens at Lafittes. Everytime I go there I see a video that I fall in love with or that I've just never seen before. Thursday nite it was Sophie Ellis-Bextor's Get Over You, which is absolutely my favorite video right now, and Alcazar's Crying at the Discoteque, which is one mindfuck of a freaky video. Clee couldn't watch the Alcazar video.. evidently dancing animal headed people freak him out... Jonathan met us out at Lafittes. We ran into James at Good Friends for a bit and then headed over to the Pub, just in time for the end of the strip show.. ugh. And then dancing commenced... And then home and snuggly good sleep...

Up next... Friday... altho, in the meantime you can get a preview of Saturday here... make what you will of the little box that pops up over a certain picture... (ok.. don't make too much of it... Sturtle just makes assumptions...)

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Lafayette, Louisiana, United States