Friday, February 27, 2004

I've gone on record before for my hatred of our current political 'regime' in the US. I know friends of mine want me to get angry and rant on here about it some more. But more than angry, I'm sometimes more exhausted and scared and disappointed.

How can a society that's supposed to be so enlightened and mature accept the venom and hatred that our President and other leaders spew in supposed support of 'family values'? It's hate and fear. Pure and simple. They hate me because I'm not like them. They hate me because they don't understand me and they don't want to even try to understand me. So, it's easier to marginalize my exist. To rationalize that what I deserve aren't equal rights. That the simple everyday assurances that everyone should have and that only heterosexuals have when it comes to just about any basic right associated with a relationship aren't rights, they're special privileges.

Our spiritual leaders are right there in line with our political leaders. Somehow, they think the best way to teach the young of our land morals and values is to espouse hatred towards those who are differrent.

And the most upsetting thing to me is that I know my neighbors, people I work with, members of my own family and people I smile at as I pass on the street every day all think the same way. And a lot of them would probably lie to my face about how they actually feel.

It's been a long time since I've been in a long term committed relationship, but I like to think it's possible that it'll happen again. And I'd like to know that if it does, the LOVE that I share with someone is equal in every way to the love that anyone else in this country shares with whoever they choose to love.

Equal, not separate. Equal, as in exactly the same as any great love. Not separate. Not different. Equal. It's about love, you idiots. Stop with the hate already. Just stop...

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Lafayette, Louisiana, United States