Saturday, February 28, 2004

I don't believe in censorship. But I talk about my love of Science Fiction literature on here every once in a while. I've never been a fan of Orson Scott Card's books myself, but I know a lot of people who are. Huge fans even. So, tonite, while reading Poppy's journal I came across her reaction to this hateful piece of shit written by him.

Please... don't ever ever ever buy anything by this hateful bigoted son of a bitch. If you own his books, tear them into little pieces and throw them out, or better yet, find out an address for him and mail the pieces back to him. And be sure to let any friend of yours who is a possible reader of his know where Mr Card's feelings lay. No gay scifi fan should ever unsuspectingly spend one penny of their money to support him, nor should any of their friends.

(And yeah, I know that I'm reacting exactly like he says "we" will...)

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