Wednesday, May 01, 2002

Not a whole lot going on in my life about now... my doggie seems to be a bit sickly but we're going to the Vet tomorrow morning to see about that. She's sort of drooping and maybe limping a bit. And she ate a bunch of grass and then threw it up. Lovely. At least she threw it up outside.

I went, a bit late in the game, to see Blade 2 today. Ho hum. Pretty pictures, boring story. Why oh why didn't I go see Resident Evil before it went away.... grrrr...

It's new comic book day but I can't really get myself psyched up to go the comic book store. Even though Ultimates came out today... damned fine book...

I found the new Batman Animated 4-pack of action figures at Toys R Us a couple days ago. Very very cool. It has Ra's al Ghul in his proper suit, tie & cape outfit alongside a figure of his daughter, Talia. Oh, and Batman and Robin. Now I just have to wait the months before the other 4 packs with the Penguin and Scarface & the Ventriloquist come out... Yep... geek... i'm a geek...

I haven't been reading at ALL lately. And that's bad. But, Amazon.UK just emailed me to tell me that they've shipped a book I preordered. Whoo hoo. It's called The Standing Dead and it's by a Scottish guy, Ricardo Pinto. His first book The Chosen was one of my favorites a few years ago. He's one of those rare fantasy writers that I don't loathe. Usually, I'm quite adverse to the entire fantasy genre. Books with little magical people bore me.

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