Monday, May 06, 2002


So, all weekend... i get the "manager to cashwrap" or "manager to Info" calls over the intercom. And repeatedly get bitched out by insane people who are upset over stupid things. Not one single valid complaint.

So, tonite... i get one of those calls to cashwrap... and this crazy lady launches into a tirade about how upset she was that the bookseller walked her to a book and handed it to her after she asked about it. Evidently, we must think she's stupid and incapable of finding a book herself. *sigh* She bitches. And bitches. And bitches. Loudly. In front of a line of customers.

And then one of the customers, a man about her age, comes towards us. I'm thinking that her husband wants a piece of me too. And then the man turns to her and says, "maybe if you weren't so rude and loud, you'd get better service."

Heh. She was SO not happy about that. And then she leaves.

And every single customer in line apologizes to us for having to deal with such a rude person. It's as though they feel that they need to take up for us. The very next guy to come up even puts his hand out and makes me shake it and says, "you people are always really nice and really helpful and I appreciate it."

A very good end to an icky weekend at work...

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