Wednesday, February 06, 2002

So... let's see... the Superbowl has come and gone. I got a new tattoo. I've been having scads of fun going out to the Quarter. And Mardi Gras is upon us. Whoo hoo.

ramble ramble ramble...

Superbowl weekend was a lot more fun than I ever expected. I worked at Bookstar in the French Quarter on the Saturday for an Emeril booksigning. Which was a lot more fun than you could imagine. Or I could have imagined. Overall, the Superbowl tourists were a lot more well behaved than I would've imagined. I also went out in the Quarter that night. The alternative/gay part of the Quarter was actually pretty sedate, the bars not as crowded as a usual Saturday night. I had much fun and stayed out until 4 am. At which point, one of my friends who manages a club asked me to ride home with him. And it took us over an hour to get from the Quarter to the Lower Garden district. Ye gads.

The previous Sunday, I spent a nice day in the Quarter. I started my day with brunch at Old Dog New Trick in the Marigny and then headed into the Quarter for Barkus, the dog parade. Barkus is always a lot of fun. Lots of cute dog costumes. And cute guys. After Barkus, I went back to the Marigny to Electric Ladyland and spent two excruciating hours getting a black octopus tattooed on my upper left forearm. It's SOO cool looking. The healing has been a bitch. It's big, so it's scabbed up a bit. And it was sore as fuck for days afterwards. And I got this nasty rash on it. All that's gone or going now though. It's pretty damned freaky.

Music lately... the new Chemical Brothers CD is rocking my world. It's possibly their best CD ever. And it's absolutely gonna be on my year end top 10 favorite CDs. I'm looking forward to Air's new remix EP later this month. The one song I've heard from it is my current favorite song. *wildlife*

Ok, I'm done for now...

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Lafayette, Louisiana, United States