Sunday, February 24, 2002

no more badly edited drunken rantings about restaurants, i promise... altho, thanks to the three people who wrote and said they won't eat there :)

My goal for the year is to get much better and more prolific in blogging. But, it probably won't happen to April or later. That's when I'm finally going to retire this 6 year old, extremely slow and low on memory Mac. April is annual bonus time for me. April is probably gonna be iMac G4 time for me. Whoo hoo. I actually touched and played with one of them at CompUSA the other day. Oh my god. I want!

That monitor! That operating system (i'm still on 8.5)! It's like the computer of the future today! Patience is a virtue. Patience is a virtue. Patience is a virtue.

Or maybe I'll just get one of the G3s that have gotten so much cheaper. But, I think I'm gonna have to have the G4. Computer of the future... today...

Once I have the computer, I swear that I'll learn to archive my blogs. I swear. Although, I think that someone may have to help me in that area.

Ok... i just took a quick break from blogging to soak in a warm bath. I come back to you now clean and smelling of Dr Bonner's Lemon soap, Barbasol (i love that word/name), and Bedhead and Clarins products. While I was soaking, someone left a message on my cellphone. His name is Craig. He was just calling to see what I was up to.

I have no clue who Craig is. When, oh when, did I give Craig my phone number?

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Lafayette, Louisiana, United States