Sunday, October 07, 2001

A lesson learned this week... I bid on eBay ever so often. This past week I bid on several items. I'm so compulsive about eBay that I have my account set up to send email alerts to my cellphone when I'm outbid. And I have my cellphone set up to make a telegraph sound when it receives an email. Night before last, I was very tired after my brief night out. Over the course of the night, I was outbid three seperate times. So, three times in the middle of the night, I was awoken by my vibrating, chirping cellphone. I may have to rethink this...

My new haircut rules. Thanks to my friends who convinced me that my haircolor is just fine as it is... A special thanks to the 2 people who told me that 'people pay to get hair my color.' I feel beautiful. *snort* *chuckle*

I'm buying the boots tomorrow. Yes I am...

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Lafayette, Louisiana, United States