Thursday, November 28, 2002

Cuz I've barely blogged at all, I'll give ya something juicy...

One of these statements is a lie. Care to guess which?

1. I've recently slept with both partners in a couple. Neither of them know that I slept with the other.

2. I've had sex with more than three guys in one nite.

3. I've had sex in the bathroom at Oz.

4. I recently slept with one of my friend's boyfriends right after they bitterly broke up.

5. The only sexual contact I've ever had with a woman was a blowjob.

6. I've slept with my regular doctor.

7. I've had sex in the bathroom at Lafittes.

8. I once met a really hot guy in a bar who had me go to another bar and hit on his boyfriend so his boyfriend
would think a threeway was 'his' idea.

9. I've slept with three escorts who donated their services for free.

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Lafayette, Louisiana, United States