Thursday, July 11, 2002

A couple months ago, I blogged about how excited I was about the movie, signs. I've also blathered on a bit to a few of my friends about it.

And one of them invited me to go this morning at 10 a.m. to the local press screening of it. So, this morning, three weeks before any of the rest of you, I got to see signs.

It's by the director (who has a difficult name to spell) of Unbreakable and The Sixth Sense, so I knew to excite a languid dreamy movie with some twists. And I love those other two movies, so I had high expectations.

And much like I remember feeling after seeing Unbreakable, I'm still processing the film overall. I will say that it has some extremely scary and creepy sequences. Very very spooky.

I won't tell you what it's about. Or how it ends. Or anything else.

It has above caliber acting by everyone involved. All of the actors, including the kids, hit every note in the film just right.

Anyways, more about it when I think it through...

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