Sunday, August 28, 2005

Well... I suppose I should post something since Richard sent most of you this way...

For those of you who already know me, worry not... I left New Orleans 6 months ago, remember? Don and I moved into our new 4 bedroom house last weekend. Fortunate timing, since it enabled us to work the phones yesterday encouraging friends and family to evacuate New Orleans to come stay with us.

We've got 4 house guests (down from 6 last nite) and 4 extra dogs (down from 6 last nite) and 2 cats here staying with us.

We all feel pretty confident that we're barely going to feel any impact of the storm here in Acadiana, but we're all very very very worried about New Orleans. Don's sister and her husband have refused to leave the Westbank, which is on the high side of the river, and we're not terribly happy about that. And I haven't been able to get in touch with Poppy and her husband, and she indicated on her last livejournal posts that they weren't leaving the city either. But... after spending several hours making myself physically ill worrying about them and the city that I love so much, I've decided to stop... They're adults, they've made their decisions and I'm not doing myself any good thinking about it so much.

Anyways... we're about to grill... and Aunt Sassy will be on soon...

More later...

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Lafayette, Louisiana, United States