Saturday, June 01, 2002

Sometimes people just amaze me...

I went out a bit ago to walk my dog and drop a burned CD of Bran Van 3000 Discosis off to the guy who cuts my hair. It's a beautiful day out, warm and moist without being overly humid.

On the way back, I noticed a guy with a boxer puppy on the sidewalk, so I went into the street so my dog wouldn't snack on his. He looks over and smiles and says thanks. He's adorable.

My dog stops at the corner. His puppy runs closer. I compliment him on how goddamned cute it is. We talk about dogs for a second or two. We both start to walk away. And he calls out, "have a good day... and you take care of yourself." Which was so damned sweet.

I'm still smiling.

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Lafayette, Louisiana, United States