Saturday... I bet you're wondering about Saturday? Saturday came and Lance called. (See, now you know his name) The plan made for the night was pizza from Cafe Roma and movies at his apartment. His roommate was around as well. They'd already rented SHADOW OF THE VAMPIRE.
I had to stand my ground. I've already seen that movie. And I loathed it. So, I spoke up. We went back to Blockbuster and returned with SNATCH and SUNSHINE. SNATCH absolutely rocked. SUNSHINE was three hours of my life whose only redeeming factor was the guy I was snuggled up to on the sofa with.
The first part of the evening, I was a bit unsure of myself. And of where he stood with me. The roommate being around sorta threw me as well. But, I knew it was all good when he asked me if I wanted to lay down with him to watch the second movie. And, of course, I did. And I have to admit I actually slept on his chest for part of the movie. *sigh*
It was a nice long evening. He smokes, so when he went out for ciggy breaks, I went with him. And we sat and talked.
At the end of the evening, he asked me to sleep over. And I said no.
That means this could be serious...
By the time I came home, we'd planned to meet again on Tuesday. Which was last night. And we did meet again.
We went to see FROM HELL. He doesn't talk during movies. He likes to get Sno Caps and a Coke. The movie was good. The company was better. On the way home, he pulled into a gas station but parked near the shop, not at a gas pump. He asked if I wanted anything. I didn't.
He came back with Certs.
He brought me home. We sat in the car for several minutes. We weren't talking...
The next date is Friday night. We're just gonna get in his car and drive. And see where the road takes us...
This feels good. I hope it lasts. I think it will...
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