Saturday, September 15, 2001

a day off work...

I'm still stumbling around a bit, numb from this unthinkable week. But, I'm trying to get on with life the best I can.

I slept late this morning and then caught some sun while reading the new Arturo Perez-Reverte novel, THE NAUTICAL MAP. I didn't even know this book was coming out, so it's quite the treat to have right now.

Then I headed out to the Quarter for a coffee date that was arranged a few days ago. Met a guy from, Mark. He turned out to be someone I had seen before and thought cute. Nice conversation. I expect follow up.

Also, wound up hanging out with Flynn for a bit. At first at Fifi Mahoney's, his sometimes workplace, and then on the street. While at Fifi's, his friends Beau and Andy (the good one) dropped by, separately. Andy is a cute mostly straight heavily tattooed boy who bartends at Rawhide. Cute boy, seem very sweet. Beau is a beautiful freak of a boy. He's much more handsome than he realizes and he's a walking fetish. He's one hot boy and I don't think he has a clue quite how attractive he is. And I noticed early on that he was wearing latex underwear...

Flynn, Beau and I wound up strolling around the Quarter on a beautiful late summer evening. We strolled thru Virgin, admiring toys ands DVDs. Then to Tower to peruse more movies and toys. All three of us have similar transgressive tastes, I think.

While in Tower, Beau and I wound up in the little porn section. Amusingly enough, we both grabbed BOUND & GAGGED off the porn newsstand. And both agreed that the pics in it just don't go far enough. From these moments bonds are born...

Strolling back through the Quarter to Beau's jeep, I ask Beau about the first time I met him, which was a horribly overdone looong drunken nite out. I find out that he did me a great kindness that night. I don't wanna go into it, but I feel a great fondness for him as a result.

We hang at Flynn's for a bit and then Beau and I both bail on dinner plans for economic reasons. I realize I should head home instead of out for the evening with them. Beau needs to run home for some meds, so I grab a ride home with him.

The ride home turns into a long one thanks to a train crossing Rampart. Beau talks a lot and I listen a lot, adding my two cents here and there. It's nice conversation, if sometimes strange conversation. The strange conversation is even better. He drops me off and I feel quite good about having met another really interesting person.

So, that's two new interesting people today. Wow.

I'm liking this. Over the last few months, I'm finally, for the first time in my life, meeting people who I feel I share somewhat of a sameness with. And developing friendships of varying degrees with them.

This rocks...

(Apologies to Sturtle, who probably never reads my page anyway, for all the prepositions that I love to end sentences with...)

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Lafayette, Louisiana, United States