Friday, June 01, 2001

Today was a good day. A very good day. The first of six days off of work in a row.

Slept late. Went to the Westbank SuperWalmart in a slightly hungover fog and bought $100 worth of crap for my house. Stuff I've put off buying for months, like a garbage can for my kitchen. Also bought the dog new food and Rawhide chews. She was most appreciative.

Came home and cleaned house. Much needed cleaning. I've been living in squalor. No more. Clean house seems to equal a cleaner state of mind.

Went to the comic shop in the afternoon. A decent week of comics... Avengers (excellent issue), Flash (a book I'm surprised I like so much of late), a Thunderbolts special drawn by Charles Adlard whose art I find quite sexy for some reason, and an amazing issue of Wonder Woman. Geez, these are comics I'm not supposed to like... Go figure.

Home again and I cooked a balanced meal for dinner for the first time in months. Baked chicken breasts in a sundried tomato marinade with yellow peppers, tomatoes and zucchini. Dubon peas (yum!). A nice mixed green and spinach salad. And blueberries and strawberries for dessert. And I drank a Sobe Lean drink, which I had to buy when I saw it in the store as a sort of little personal joke to myself. It was amazingly bland. Should've stuck to my Arizona RX green tea and citrus drink I adore so much.

A sore point was trying to watch The Klumps on DVD during dinner. An amazing unfunny movie. And I actually liked The Nutty Professor, which I never expected to like. Hopefully my other rental, Shadow of the Vampire, will prove to be much better.

Piddled about for a while and then decided to rearrange my bedroom. I moved all the furniture around and then pulled down my boxes of action figures. I created a little shrine to Robin. I do love me some Robin.

Then I took the dog out for a walk. Remembering that I saw an ad for a gay night at the Red Room, I made sure to walk by there to scope it out. On the way back, I saw what I initially thought to be a drag queen walking down my street. Turned out to be a nice girl who my dog liked quite a bit. One of the promoters of the party who was walking to Jackson and Magazine to try to borrow shoes. In a fit of gallantness, I gave her a ride in my car. Can't have people getting mugged in my neighborhood. And in return, she put me on the guest list. So I went.

A sparse but very groovy crowd. I, of course, stood around and mostly glared at people. I'm quite adept at that. But, I was surprised to find that I knew more than a few people. Saw my friend Trent who I haven't seen in months. Ran into, um.... oh lord the guy whose name I forget all the time. Saw an extremely inebriated Michael the Stripper, who I'm quite amazed I ever had a crush on. He's just... tragic lately. Ran into the everpresent Jonno. And met his incredibly cute other half, Richard aka Sturtle.

JONNO>>> if you're reading this... BURN me a copy of MISADVENTURES OF MARGARET!!!

Had a nice overpriced Stoli Cosmopolitan. Watched the firedancer and trapeze artist that seem to be at every club or performance I go to lately...

Saw my latest crush. An incredibly odd and quite showy guy who seemed to flirt with me this past Saturday at 735 and smiled briefly at me tonight. Evil Knievel drag works for me...

Now.. home... Bowie on the CD player... Blogging away... Bed soon... Sleepy dog on futon... Life good... Me happy...

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Lafayette, Louisiana, United States