Thursday, July 28, 2005

Another angle...

So... I know it's not a very good picture... but barring any unseen disasters... this is where Don & I will be living by the end of next month.

Thursday, July 07, 2005

Yes, Drew, you DO need to say more...

AIM IM with zeddnola
8:56 AM

DAVE: Wait... do you hear that? What's that flushing sound?

DREW: Hear what?

DAVE: Oh, it's your freedom going down the toilet.

DREW: Sad little monkey. How I grieve for your rapidly fading youth.

DAVE: I grieve more for the death of your soul.

DREW: Oh... by the way, I called my sister last night and said, "So, you know I'm gay, right?"

DAVE: So you told her you were buying a house with another man?

DREW: And her response is... "Oh, he sells expensive furniture... maybe he can give me some decorating tips." *sigh*


DREW: She told me that she's always been pretty sure. And I love this part. She actually quit going to her Sunday school class a couple of years ago because they were talking about homosexuality (Baptists, remember...) and most of the people in it were all, "They're damned!" I thought that was sweet.

DAVE: Wait. Your sister was still going to Sunday school?

DREW: Baptists love Sunday school.

DAVE: I know, but I thought that was only until you were about 12.

DREW: You go to Sunday school before the church service.

DAVE: Jesus, don't they get enough of that shit in church?

DREW: I mean, I guess it makes sense. It's a forum to actually have discussions, versus the church service where you're just preached at.

DAVE: So did your sister speak up and say "I love my gay brother"?

DREW: Well, she wasn't 100% sure then, but she did speak up and say that she disagreed cuz people were saying they'd throw people out of their family and she was appalled.

DAVE: Well, that is what Jesus would do.

Wednesday, July 06, 2005


so... today... Don and I made a bid on a house we want to buy... a house i'll be crushed if we don't get... and i called my sister and said, "so... you know i'm gay, right?"...

do i need to say more????

About Me

Lafayette, Louisiana, United States