Saturday, December 25, 2004

Merry Fucking White Christmas!

I woke up this morning ready to travel to hang out with my family for Christmas Day only to discover that the interstate system was closed due to sleet and icy overpasses. But... I got to spend the day with my boyfriend and his family who took me in for the day.

And... for the first time in fifty years... it snowed in New Orleans for Christmas. It's amazing how much sheer joy this created for everyone in the city. It was impossible not to have a huge honking smile in your face in this city today.

I'm gonna go collapse on my bed and snuggle with my guy now... hope you're all having as beautiful a day as I had...

Friday, December 17, 2004

Look at all the cake and presents, Fiona

Oh geez... Spooks... what you do to me... I seriously don't think I've ever seen a more shocking or emotionally draining scene in any other tv show ever than i just saw in the last episode of this season of Spooks...

oh geez... I need tissues...

Sunday, November 28, 2004

The weird thing about television is that just when a show has gone from a creative peak to an absolute nadir is that it can then shock you midway through it's third season and have one of it's best episodes ever.

Spooks aka MI5, in the US on A&E, is one of my guilty pleasures. The first two seasons were completely riveting. The third started rather well, but then went limp and boring. Two of the three main actors had decided to move on and the storytelling seemed to limp along until they were disposed of, but... they're gone now. And the episode eight was right up there with the best of the first two seasons. I'll be holding my breath until next week...

Thursday, November 25, 2004

Gee, I'm sorry, you pretentious Pitchfork indie prat, but everyone I know that heard this album loves it. You obviously don't 'get' it. Too straight perhaps? Too afraid to like bubblegum pop music maybe?

And Bubble Pop Electric is the song I keep skipping over cuz I find it annoying and somewhat out of place on an otherwise fantastic pop album.

Meh meh meh...

Monday, November 22, 2004

Wednesday, November 17, 2004

So... a little over a month ago, I mentioned going to my friend Kris' birthday party in Lafayette. I briefly mentioned meeting someone new at the party.

A couple of weeks ago, he came to New Orleans and spent a really incredible evening with me, going to dinner, attending a play, going out for drinks and meeting quite a few of my friends over the course of the evening. A really great nite, all in all.

This past weekend, I spent four days in Lafayette. And I didn't stay with Kris & Victor.

Over the course of the weekend, I found myself not only falling very hard for a guy, but for his culture and his city as well. This is potentially big. It's one of those things that comes along when you're not expecting it at all. It's one of those things where you find someone who's completely outside of the mold of your expectations of what you think you might be looking for, but, somehow, it's also ten times better than what you thought you were looking for.

What I know is that it's exactly 25 days until I get to see him again. I know I need to change my cellular plan and probably my provider, based on the number of cellular minutes I've burned in the past two days. I know that I've always advised all of my friends against relationships that involve distance, but I'm learning that sometimes the heart thinks otherwise. I know that I'm feeling things inside my heart and my brain that I haven't felt in ages.

I know that I want to try to make the best of this. I know that this situation wants me to make the best of myself.

I know that right now... I'm smiling.

Wednesday, October 27, 2004

The video for Mosh has me reevaluating my feelings about Eminem a bit... although I wish he'd gotten it out there in time to perhaps actually encouraged a few people to have registered to vote when they still could have...

anyways... Fuck Bush indeed...

Saturday, October 23, 2004

This is the hottest sexiest sweetest thing I've read in a very long time... (thanks to PJ for the heads up...)

Monday, October 11, 2004

omg... and I got the new STARS album, Set Yourself on Fire, today!

It's FUCKING AMAZING, as I knew it would be. You can order from the Arts & Crafts Store. It's only out in Canada so far... but it's cheap!
I need to write about this past weekend also...

My friend, Kris, had his 40th birthday party this past weekend in Lafayette. Dave (the ex) and I drove over in the midst of the tropical depression to attend. Kris and his significant other, Victor, were incredibly gracious hosts. When I went to print the directions to drive there, I discovered they also contained a confirmation number for a hotel room that they had reserved and prepaid for us, along with a note stating there could be no discussion about the fact the room being paid. (Hah... like I'd argue about that!)

The drive over with Dave was quite nice. He just got back to New Orleans this week after spending a few months travelling, reaquainting himself with the States after his two years in the Dominican Republic as a Peace Corps volunteer. He's thinking of settling back in NOLA for a while and attending nursing school. An idea that I think is fucking fantastic.

So, we got to Lafayette and settled in our rooms just in time for the shuttle to arrive to pick us up. Yep... the shuttle. Victor drove over and picked up those of us who were staying in the hotel.

The party itself was a fucking blast. I really had no idea that I'd be seeing so many faces from my past, friends from 10-20 years ago. There was a lot of hugging and laughing. And there were new friends to make as well.

I was quite happy to drink myself a wee bit silly on Glenlivet and waters, interspersed with a couple of glasses of Veuve Cliquot. Yeah... they had a very nicely stocked bar also.

But... the best part was just hanging out with Kris, Victor, Chad, Buffy, Wende, Dave, Stacey, Jared, Michelle and a couple of other old friends whose names I'm brainfreezing on right this moment. Well... there was another really good part also... a new friend who I met midway through the party who may have monopolized the rest of my evening perhaps (and the greater part of the rest of the weekend...). You're not getting any more info on that... except that I certainly hope to see him again when time permits... and, gee.. um... to mention that maybe they shouldn't have gotten me a hotel room after all, since I didn't sleep in it...
When I arrived home from work today, I had an email from Poppy, asking me if the story she just posted on her website could possibly be true. I immediately doubted that it could be true. So, I did something that couldn't possibly have ever occurred to anyone else to do... I picked up the phone and called all the local B&N stores and asked to check to see if they had the book in stock.

Well, golly gee... of the four stores in the New Orleans/Baton Rouge area, two of them had the book in stock. Those two being the larger more urban stores as opposed to the much smaller other two.

And unless I missed a memo about the annexation of New Orleans by New York or California, I'm thinking that this book has evidently been stocked in Barnes & Noble stores outside of those two states.

I'm quite vexed by lefty goths deciding that the Evil Corporation that is B&N is out to get them considering the fact that of late, the right wing fringe-types spend a lot of time obsessing over the fact that we're evidently trying to keep conservative books out of the hands of the public.

Let's review a couple of facts. B&N as a chain is very committed to making any book that you want available to you. Censorship of any type simply isn't part of the culture of the stores. Almost every book published makes it onto our shelves. Do a few slip between the cracks? Sure. Does every book make it into every store? Nope. The larger, two (or more) level stores get a much larger selection than the smaller one level stores.

Shockingly, my store even employs a goth and a couple of near-goths. And every Friday evening, a local group of them meet outside our cafe for coffee (which I'm pretty sure they purchase instead of stealing).

And the idea that a book would not be stocked because it would be stolen is ridiculous. I'm very familiar with shrink numbers for specific departments and trust me, there are entire sections and authors we'd have to remove from our shelves permanently if that were a factor in buying decisions. And I have a very hard time imagining that a buyer for B&N would make such an unprofessional statement to anyone at the publisher. Shame on them if they did. But... I doubt it happened.

Anyways... I hope my incredibly complicated experiment with phoning stores (I know... I know... I'm a little more brilliant than most people...) puts some minds at rest.

The Goth Bible is most certainly available in B&N stores outside of New York and California. As is Unfit for Command...

Saturday, September 18, 2004

I am so ashamed to be a resident of Louisiana today. I love New Orleans so much, but I've always been ambivalent about the state itself. But, realistically... is there a state in the union today where we are not so hated that a similar ban would not pass?

Hate... that's what it's about. And fear. I'm feared and hated by the majority of the people I pass in the street every day. Nice...

Tuesday, September 14, 2004

I'm sitting here drinking grapefruit vodka and 7-Up, slightly freaked out because I've decided to stay in New Orleans for Ivan. 90% of my friends have left for Texas, but I feel weird work and dog responsibilities that keep me here. And I just don't think that we're probably going to get the worst of the storm.

Of course... if I'm wrong... I could find myself underneath 20 feet of water around 30 hours from now... but... I guess we'll see...

Monday, September 06, 2004

Kind sirs, be assured I am alive and well. Of late I find myself quite discouraged at the thought or producing any discourse of note. However, I feel impelled to make a brief appearance to point out at the most interesting occurence... Jonathan Strange & Mr Norrell is currently residing as the #2 bestseller on Amazon and the #3 bestseller on Barnes &

Don't be left out... get a first printing while you can still find one in the stores...

Monday, July 05, 2004

I have a huge void inside myself tonight... I finished Jonathan Strange and Mr. Norrell by Susanna Clark.

It's hard to think that after nearly 800 pages of a novel that you'd not want it to end, but I miss it terribly now that it's done. It was absolutely one of the most satisfying novels that I've ever read. I'm not particularly given to raving about novels about magic and fairies, so to so thoroughly make me a fan of one is a great achievement. It's an astonishingly well written story in which magic is both completely mundane and utterly fantastic. It's really quite perfect in both style and execution and the story never falters for one second or one page.

I imagine that this novel has a fair chance of storming the bestseller lists this fall on both sides of the Atlantic. It's the perfect book for all of the adult fans of Harry Potter, but it far surpasses anything that the Potter books have ever achieved.

Advance copies are selling on eBay and abebooks for around $70. I wouldn't for one second think of selling my copy for twice that much.

Sunday, July 04, 2004

In case you don't already know... Running With Scissors has a new show starting soon...
Awwww... I just noticed what Richard has to say about me in his links.

But.... mancutie???
I am totally hooked on the song "Your Cover's Blown" which is a 'b-side' on the Wrapped Up in Books CD Single by Belle & Sebastian. It's, IMO, perhaps the best song they've ever done.

And completely adore Walking Machine by Revl9n, which you can purchase from Other Music or listen to at Fluxblog. The best way I can describe it is B52s meet The Knife. It's my happy fun but sort of depressed song for the summer.
While this is a really lame news article with little information in it, it makes a very true statement. New Orleans IS becoming the Hollywood of the South. When I was visiting Manhattan, one of my friends there made a comment about how often you run across movies or tv shows being filmed in the streets and I just laughed. It's probably just as common and almost more likely here in New Orleans now.

Celebrity sightings have always been common here, because famous people like New Orleans as much as the common folk. But, over the last year or so, it's ramped up quite a bit. "Nicholas Cage is at DBA every night and someone swore he saw him at the Corner Pocket the other night." "Christina Ricci ate at Sake Cafe Saturday. She hates sushi though."

And the red and white cardboard signs that are used to restrict parking on streets used to spark a little excitement in me, "oooh, a movie's shooting on my street." Now, it's more like, "another movie?? geez."

I think it's great though. For once, our leaders did something right. And if anyone reading this is in contact with Parker Posey, tell her to drop by the Barnes & Noble in Metairie and say hi... I heard she was in town...

Friday, July 02, 2004

Ok... I saw another one... another fall tv pilot. This time it was the one I've been absolutely dying to see, LOST. It's a JJ Abrams show, the creator of FELICITY and ALIAS.

The premise is pretty simple. It starts in the aftermath of a plane crash on a tropical island. 48 "survivors" have to come to terms with the fact that they're not going to be rescued and that some very scary creatures share the island with them. And, naturally, more than a few of them harbor secrets of their own.

I loved the premise when I heard it and after viewing the first two hours, I'm there this fall. This show could totally rock... think Gilligan's Island (without the humor) meets Survivor meets Jules Verne.

There's also a fansite here.

Oh yeah... and for you Lord of the Rings fans... LOST features a hobbit with a habit...

Tuesday, June 29, 2004

I'm very very very excited because today I got my hands on an advance copy of Jonathan Strange and Mr. Norrell by Susanna Clarke. Neil Gaiman recently commently in his webjournal that he believes this to be the finest fantasy novel written in the last seventy years. I'll let you know...

Sunday, June 27, 2004

And if you don't believe me about the Dark Materials... trust the words of Michael Chabon as written for the The New York Review of Books.
I've been meaning to create a link on the side to my friend Jeff's livejournal, Shelf Life. He talks about books a lot, which I like... and when he's not talking about books he's usually talking about his rescue greyhound, Dash... which I also like.

In a post today, he mentioned a conversation he and I had yesterday about Philip Pullman's Dark Materials Trilogy. I had read the first two books a couple of years ago but never got around to The Amber Spyglass, the final book. So, I recently read all three of them over the course of a week.

They are in serious contention for my favorite books ever. They're fucking brilliant and they completely transcend their classification as children's literature. I only wish such brilliant books had existed for me to read in my more tender years.

I wish I could claim to have come up with my clever "anti-Narnia" comment on my own, but it's something I read in an interview with Pullman on a website. But I think it's very true. Most kid lit tends to be rather cruel to children, there's often outright cruelty or a subtext of it. Not so in these books. The two children who are our lead characters are the most upright and moral characters in the story, which isn't to say that they're perfect or that they always make the right decisions.

Anyways... Dark Materials... parallel universes, Miltonian themes, dark matter, fallen angels, death in spades, witches, daemons(!!), moral uncertainty and characters who are so very human in that there are no evil or good characters. There are only people making choices and growing and learning and making mistakes and... oh for god's sakes... READ THEM!!!!

Saturday, June 26, 2004

Ok... i'm a cranky son of a bitch. I admit it. I have a hard time meeting new people and making new friends. One of the benefits of the internet has been that I wind up becoming friends with people in rather odd ways. I met Mark through some round about blogging link up, but it was mainly cuz he talked about music that I liked in his blog. I got a message on one of the P2P services one day from a guy named Walter, who rapidly became one of my favorite people on this planet. Through Walter, I discovered P.J., a blogger with exquisite taste in music whose boyfriend just happened to be an ex-roomie of mine. And recently, I noticed that I was downloading a lot of music from a guy named Alexandr on Direct Connect. And then i randomly discovered his playlists of favorite songs on the net. So, I emailed him and we've built up a pretty decent friendship recently.

Yeah... it says a lot about me, I think, that all of these internet friendships are based on their musical tastes. Well, recently, the Direct Connect hub that Alexandr and I "hook up" on wend kablooey. And today I found a descendent of that hub and emailed Alex about it. He showed up in the hub in like five seconds. So... we start chatting... and he gives me a link to his Friendster profile, which leads me to his online journal. And I discover, that like Mark and Walter and PJ, Alex is a total babe...

I'm not sure what my point is... but, I think it's interesting that the 'net leads me to pretty decent friendships with incredibly cute, terribly stylish music fiends...
In case you needed proof... it's true that
really do rock...

Friday, June 25, 2004

I've been meaing to make this post for a while... one of the more interesting features of iTunes is the Top 25 Most Played songs playlist. It forces you to see what you REALLY listen to, regardless of what you think your musical tastes are. So... here's my Top 25...

1. You Weren't There - Lene Marlin
2. Grey Day - Zoot Woman
3. Dice - Finley Quaye & Beth Orton
4. Am I Wry? No - Mew
5. Such Great Heights - The Postal Service
6. We Used to Be Friends - The Dandy Warhols
7. Slow - Kylie Minogue
8. Mica - Mew
9. Cherry Blossom Girl - Air
10. Take Me Out (Morgan Geist Reversion) - Franz Ferdinand
11. Obstacle 1 (Arthur Baker Remix) - Interpol
12. Elevator Love Letter - Stars
13. Pain Killer - Turin Brakes
14. Surfin' Atari - Console
15. Saliva - Mew
16. Lifelines (Console Remix) - A-Ha & Anneli Drecker
17. Hotel Parallel - Alpinestars
18. Clocks (Royksopp's Trembling Heart Remix) - Coldplay
19. Death to Death - Stars
20. NuSex City - Alpinestars
21. Fighter (Hani Remix) - Christina Aguilera
22. Making Music - Sophie Ellis Bextor
23. Home - Zero 7
24. Love Strikes - Eskobar
25. What She Wants - Felix da Housecat

Tuesday, June 22, 2004

Quite a few years ago, I was visiting Houston with my boyfriend of the time, Dave, and we stopped at the Bookstar at the corner of Westheimer and Alabama to browse. It's used to be one of my favorite bookstores, just because it's built inside an old movie theater.

While looking through the fiction new releases, I ran across a bookjacket that stopped me in my tracks. It was a beautiful, sort of fuzzy picture of cereal that looked like Fruit Loops. Picking the book up, I quickly realized that I had to buy the it. The title of the book was Mysterious Skin by Scott Heim. I was right to buy it. It became one of my favorite novels. And shortly after I read it, I made some comments about it on an
AOL message board (hey... i said it was QUITE A FEW years ago) which were read by Scott, who then sent me a really sweet email.

We struck up a pretty decent online friendship for a while, due to our overlapping interests in music, art, books and movies. But, as email correspondences do, it faded away over time.

Anyways, Greg Araki is making a movie of the book and I gottta say the trailer looks really promising. So, go buy the book already... (thanks to Jeff for the trailer link)

Tuesday, June 15, 2004

That's what just happening to run into two other bloggers on a random night out at the bars will do to your net traffic...
You heard it hear first... between Air, Geyster and Aloud, I think this mayh be the year of French pop... check out the great video for Sex and Sun by Aloud... wonderfully eighties inspired cheese...

Saturday, June 12, 2004

I will never say one negative word about Anne Rice again. I just found out that she's put up a $5000 reward for information about the guys who attacked my friend Paul a couple of weeks ago. She's also used her celebrity to schedule an interview for the local ABC affiliate about the attack and about violence against gays in New Orleans. I believe it will be airing this Monday.

Paul has been through surgery twice as a result of the attack. He still has no vision in one of his eyes, but he can see light and colors now, so there is hope still.

There's going to be some sort of fundraiser for Paul's medical expenses at The Bourbon Pub on June 21st, but I don't know the details yet. NO/Aids Task Force is also administering the fund. As soon as I find out more info about all this, I'll post it here...

Wednesday, June 09, 2004

Well, Jonno can rest easier now.. I finally got around to watching Grey Gardens.

Brilliant... if I didn't already have a name for my blog, I think I'd call it Concentrated Ground, in honor of the movie...

Monday, June 07, 2004

Speaking of music in trailers... I am jonesing to see Garden State. An absolutely adorable trailer which fills me with curiosity about the movie...
The Movie-List Forums have become one of my favorite web resources, especially the forum I linked. I'm always driving myself crazy trying to figure out songs that are in movie trailers, even though I usually already have the song (among the 5000 songs I have in iTunes). The guys on this forum always have the answer.

Sunday, June 06, 2004

GRRRR... I need this song like NOW. Erlend Oye rocks my happy heart. I can tell from the MP3s on their website that this is gonna be one of my favorite songs of the summer...

Saturday, June 05, 2004

The Times Picayune, the local paper, ran an article today about the attack on my friend Paul.

Friday, June 04, 2004

Quick notes:

Currently Reading: His Dark Materials Trilogy by Philip Pullman

Currently Listening To: Kokomemedada - Komeda

Thursday, June 03, 2004

One of my favorite blog's that I've been meaning to mention and add to my links is Fluxblog. It's an MP3 blog and Matthew, Mr Flux himself, has VERY good taste in music.

I've gotten scads of cool tunes from him and I'll be eternally greatful to him for that.

I'll also mention Losing My Edge, which I found through Fluxblog. It's a new MP3 blog, but it gets major kudos for the LCD Soundsystem inspired title.
Ok... so I've mentioned TV shows twice in the past two days.

I used to be absolutely addicted to television. I watched a ridiculous amount of it.

And then one day I decided that cable television was a luxury that I really couldn't afford anymore. It's ridiculously overpriced, IMO. And the reception that I get with bunny ears is pretty darn bad. So, I went cold turkey. And discovered that I really didn't miss it. It helped a lot that this was shortly after I moved to New Orleans, so I had new friends to hang out with and new places to explore. The only show I couldn't give up entirely was Buffy the Vampire Slayer, but a friend at work taped it for me every week.

And then came one of the greatest innovations of modern times... tv shows on DVD. Through the magic of DVD, I've watched the entire run of The Family Guy and most of Sex in the City. I watched ALIAS, The Sopranos, The Shield and 24 from the beginning. I've watched as much of OZ and Six Feet Under as they've released.

And then I discovered the next greatest innovation of modern times... Bit Torrent. There are crazy (lovely) people out there who tape tv shows every week and convert them to AVI or MPG files within an hour or so of that show airing. A few hours of downloading (usually while I'm sleeping) later, I have that show on my computer to watch.

So, I watch TV shows again. But, I watch them at my convenience. And there aren't that many that I watch. For the record.. here's what i do watch:

The Shield
The Sopranos
Six Feet Under
Queer as Folk

With their varying schedules, that's less than four hours a week of tv watching. I can live with that. And with one obvious exception, I think the shows I watch are pretty smart.
I wasn't very happy when ABC announced their fall tv schedule and I saw that Alias isn't going to come back until January. But I just watched the pilot for the show, Desperate Housewives, that's going to air in it's timeslot on Sunday nites until it returns and suddenly I'm not so upset anymore.

It's a very clever, slightly weird primetime soap opera geared towards smart adults instead of hip teens. It's one of those shows that I shouldn't like, but I do. Very clever writing, well filmed and just enough of a sardonic edge to make it work.

Of course, now I have to wait months to see another episode... has had a pretty big update.

You can register for their fanclub on the site now and forums are up and running. And it looks like that if you sign up quickly for the fanclub, they'll send you one of the Xmas 2003 CDs that they gave out at their December London show...

Wednesday, June 02, 2004

Housekeeping time...

I got rid of some crap over in the border (was anyone really translating my page into French on a regular basis?) and added three links to blogs. Those would be the first one and the last two.

Dave is, of course, THE EX. Heh... I'll always call him that. He's also one of my best friends in the world. You can read all about his exploits of hippydom and beekeeping this summer. And I think I've already mentioned The Corky and Peaeye. And I sort of assumed that they'd like being next to each other on the list... what with all the togetherness this past weekend...
Ok... so I watch Queer as Folk still... And in some ways, I actually think it's gotten to be a better show.

But, I was really annoyed with the plotline early in this season in which Justin was dealing with his unresolved anger from being gay-bashed at the end of the first season. I thought it was just a bit over the top.

And then I got an email yesterday from Poppy telling me that a mutual friend of ours had been bashed this weekend.

I was in the Quarter Saturday nite and I briefly hung out with one of my friends, who told me about a party he had attended earlier in the night with his boyfriend. But they decided to go their separate ways after the party.

Around 4 in the morning, his boyfriend was walking in the Quarter when a van pulled up along side of him and five guys got out of it and started beating him for no good reason. Some teenage girls came running to help and the big bad men ran away from them. But, the damage was done. He needed nine hours of surgery and will probably never regain more than 20% of the vision in one his eyes.

I'm unbelievably angry and sad. There's nothing I can do right now besides to let them know that they're in my thoughts and to offer to be there when and if they need help.

But, I don't think that storyline was so over the top right now. Given the chance, I could easily do violence to these guys and I wasn't even the victim...
My Memorial Day weekend was overall a bit unremarkable, but I did meet Corin and Billy and their respective boyfriends this weekend out in the bars, thanks to an initial intro from Jonno. Although.. Jonno... i overheard that snarky "he's got a blogSPOT" remark... Still love ya though...

It was oh so cute watching two couples flirt... although about an hour before they actually left the bar Monday nite, I wanted to scream out... "jesus christ... would you just go fuck already!"

Oh... and Corin... when do I get access to those pics??? :)
Argh. I've waited far too long to effectively write about my trip to Manhattan. It was fabulous, natch.

I stayed at The Chelsea Pines Inn, which wasn't luxurious but it was certainly in my price range and it was pretty perfectly located for my the purposes of my trip. I'd stay there again, the rooms are funky in a good way and the staff was sweet as hell.

Mark came straight over from his office to meet me Friday night and we spent a really pleasant evening just strolling around the Meat Packing District, the West Village and Greenwich Village. We were supposed to meet Charley in the East Village a bit later at the end of some big New York Blogger Drunkfest. But... we fell asleep in my room...

See... here's Mark sleeping...

We woke up the next morning and Mark spent most of the day with me, showing from Chelsea up through Midtown. It involved more than bit of shopping, I will admit. But... clothes be cheap in the city that supposedly doesn't sleep...

Mark eventually left me, cuz he had a party to attend that nite and a business trip the next day. I was terribly sad to see him go, cuz I do love me some Mark. He's one of the most adorable guys, looks and personality, that I've ever met. I've had a HUGE crush on him since we met last summer in San Francisco. Mark has since added a boyfriend to his life since last summer however, so I exercised a massive amount of willpower and our activities on this trip weren't quite so extracurricular... He's still a great kisser tho...

Saturday nite, Charley was too hungover to hang out with me, so I compiled a list of recommended bars from Charley and Mark and hit the East Village by myself. Staying in Chelsea, I had been a bit put out by what I'd seen of New York gay boys thus far. But the moment I walked into the first East Village bar, I felt like I was HOME. Tattoos, haircuts, fashion, etc... much more to my taste. The night is a bit of blur, but I managed to visit seven different bars over the course of the night. The highlights, IMO, being The Slide, The Phoenix and The Cock. Oh... and I wound up at some place called The West Side Club late in the evening...

Sunday, I was gonna check the Biennial at The Whitney, but when I got there there was an unmoving line to the street to get in. I guess all the natives waited until the last minute to check out the show. So, after a slight detour through some parade about Israel which the entire Jewish community of New York seemed to be attending, I hoofed my way back through the city to do some more sightseeing and shopping. I saw a good bit of the city this way, walking about 70 blocks. I briefly toyed with the idea of doing a show, but thought better of it. Even at TKTS prices, I just don't like theater that much...

Sunday nite was a highlight. After I caught the season finale of ALIAS in my room, Charley came over and met me and we went to The Rambles at The Park, which is a party that Jonny McGovern throws on Sunday nites. It was a really fun space and scene. And it got points for the fact that I heard a Moloko song... Charley's friends were all swell guys. And it's always so cute how no matter where you travel, people always get an excited look on their face when you tell them that you're from New Orleans.

Anyways, Monday was another Walkfest. I walked from my place on 14th Street to Ground Zero. I managed to take a zig-zaggy route that led me through Greenwich Village, Nolita, Little Italy, Chinatown and Soho. Ground Zero itself was weird. Not so much seeing the site, but standing in the middle of the people standing there staring into the abyss with such odd looks on their faces. It was just a bit too much for me to process, so I vacated my mind by shopping some more. Century 21 is right across the street after all.... Monday nite I was too pooped to do anything too strenuous, so I went to Hell. The bar in the Meat Packing District, that is. I sat there in the mostly empty bar for a couple of hours and chatted with Joel, the utterly adorable bartender who had an iPod full of music exactly to my taste.

And then Tuesday, bidding a fond farewell to H&M, I came home...

Friday, May 21, 2004

Ok... deep breaths... my flight for New York leaves in 2 and a half hours... what have I forgotten??? I'm so overpacked, I doubt I forgot anything... I hope that you and you are ready for this...

Sunday, May 16, 2004

Geez... y'all... gay couples are going to be legally married in the United States tomorrow... I know it's a momentary blip, but still...


Saturday, May 15, 2004

The 80s live! I hope the promises of this website come to fruition, cuz the thought of OMD meets Propaganda gets me hard...
Someone please tell me that Gwyneth Paltrow did not name her daughter
... Well... at least it wasn't Microsoft...

Friday, May 14, 2004

Sorry guys... I have a sinus infection. My photo software all seems to be kerblooey and I leave for New York in a week. Oh, and I have a date tomorrow with a pretty swell guy. I swear to god I'll blog Saints & Sinners soon. Swear. Double dog...

Monday, May 10, 2004

I just noticed the typo in my last post... "whole." But, I think I like it that way. Right now, I have a big hole... but I think after I sleep a bit, I'm gonna feel more like there's more "whole" in my life...
I'm dying to write about my weekend, but I'm too physically and emotionally drained right now to even attempt to do so. Saints & Sinners was an absolute fucking blast. I had more fun in the past three days than I've probably had in the last 5 years. I met several dozen of the most incredibly generous, talented, witty, sexy beautiful people over those days and I feel like there's a big whole in my life now that they're gone. And no less than three of them stole a little bit of my heart.

But, I need sleep now or I'm going to start crying again... which I've done several times tonight...

Expect many more details and a few pictures in a couple of days when I'm a little more together.

Tuesday, May 04, 2004

This weekend, I'm going to be the token bookseller at Saints and Sinners, a GLBT alternative literary festival in the French Quarter. It should be an interesting time. I'm going to get to meet a broad spectrum of writers. And I'm somewhat terrified, because it's my first year doing this and it's very hard to try to predict what people are going to want to buy and in what quantity. Inevitably, I'm going to run out of some author's books and they're not going to be happy with me. *sigh* Hopefully, they'll remember that this is all a benefit for NO/Aids and that I'm doing my best and that I've worked my ass off putting my part of it together.

On the other hand, I'm much looking forward to meeting a lot of the authors. I do love me some book-people.

Wednesday, April 28, 2004

I know I'm being very one track minded here, but how can you not just adore Loretta Lynn after you read this article?

Tuesday, April 27, 2004

Van Lear Rose is out today, guys... and I HIGHLY recommend it. It's Loretta Lynn produced by Jack White. And it's gonna be one of the best albums you'll hear this year, I promise.

Tuesday, April 20, 2004

I'm given to hyperbole when I like something. I know this about myself.

But... I just finished what will undoubtedly be the best book I will have read at the end of this year. The Rule of Four by Ian Caldwell & Dustin Thomason has completely blown me away. Imagine if Dan Brown's The Da Vinci Code had a bit more of the style and intelligence of Donna Tartt or Umberto Eco. I've mentioned before that I love literary thrillers that center around mysteries concealed in books or works of art and this book is a masterpiece of this subgenre. But, the authors remember that a great mystery is well served by two things these types of books often lack - great characters and a satisfying ending. And, boy, does this book deliver in both of these areas.

I'm not much on relating plot, so if you want to know a bit more, you can follow the link to the two reviews on the B&N page. What you need to know from me is that I adore this book. I think it has huge potential and I'm going to be handselling the hell out of it to people this year. And right now, I'm floating around on one of those "book highs" that are oh so rare...

Friday, April 16, 2004

Oh... and I'm booked for New York... May 21st through 25th... who's buying me a drink?
Reason #417 that I love New Orleans...

I was just giving my dog a bath in the backyard when suddenly I heard a jazz band getting louder by the moment. I ran to the front of my house, just in time to join most of my neighbors at the street, to find a jazz band and a procession of people dancing in the street past my house to it. Think Jazz Funeral, but not so... um... dead peoply...

Shit like that makes me seriously happy...

Thursday, April 15, 2004

I got the coolest fucking present in the mail today from my beloved ex, Dave... a t-shirt with the symbol for el Chapulan Colorado on it!!! Straight from the Republica Dominica! And the tag says the shirt was "Hecho en Colombia"... hee...

If you love the Bumblebee Guy on The Simpsons... well, this is the real stuff...

Tuesday, April 13, 2004

BWAH HAH HAH!!! omg... i love me some Mark....

Friday, April 09, 2004

Ok, people... i need votes... i'm planning a May vacation and I really wanna go to New York City, mainly so I can shop at H&M, but I'm not too sure how much I'm gonna like the city, cuz I've never been. I also really wanna visit all of my friends in San Francisco, a city that I know I love...


am I crazy to think that I can fit both of them into a vacation?? Say, a day flying... three days in NYC... another day for flying... and four or so days in SF, before flying home?

Input please...

Friday, April 02, 2004

OMG, y'all... Prince is good again. Newflux has the track "Cinnamon Girl" off of his new album, Musicology, posted and it's gooood. While, you're there, get the Tiga track too... it's some fierce dancefloor filler...

Wednesday, March 31, 2004

Ok... I added a nifty translation thingie over on the side there... and soon, I promise to blog...

Sunday, March 28, 2004

Ah.. I've been forgetting... I need to thank Jonno and Richard for their perfect birthday present of A Mighty Wind.

As for the rest of you... Wha' Happened??? :P

Monday, March 22, 2004

So... this summer, I will get my official gay card... I'll be seeing Madonna on her just announced tour... I was already planning a San Francisco vacation and it looks like she's gonna be there about the same time... and one of my best friends is a member of her fanclub and can get us presale tickets... so...

Saturday, March 20, 2004

How incredibly lame... emoboy05 has been stealing an image from my friend PJ's site. He probably just learned an important lesson tho... if you're gonna steal an image, you don't wanna link it from the other person's server... cuz... he just might replace the image with hardcore gay porn...

It's nice that a self professed Xian whose likes include "going to church and praising the almighty one, and being the one who cares" has no problem with stealing someone else's bandwidth. I'm sure all of his little emo Xian friends are enjoying their new education into watersports images tho....

Friday, March 19, 2004

My dear friends at Running With Scissors have a new play starting tonight here in New Orleans. Everything they've done has been belly-achin' funny, so I'm sure that this won't be an exception.

Wednesday, March 17, 2004

U.S. cuts may limit local HIV services. Yet another reason to make sure that you get off your ass this year and do everything you can to remove Bush and his evil people from office this year...

Saturday, March 13, 2004

Oh my... you simply MUST watch WONDERFALLS, Friday nights on Fox... last night's premiere was one of the funniest oddest shows I've seen in a really long time...

Tuesday, March 09, 2004

I expect Happy Birthday emails in my inbox today...

Sunday, March 07, 2004

Jason West, the Mayor of New Paltz, NY was
with 19 criminal counts earlier this week for marrying gay couples. If you want want to support him, head over to origin comics and make a donation of five bucks or more. The site is run by Damon Hurd, a straight comic book writer who's a resident of New Paltz. He'll even give you one of his comics for making a donation.
Ok... to try to get you Poppy people to come back again... the moment in a Poppy story that relates to me is in "A Season in Heck", which is in The Devil You Know. Here's what actually happened to me the first time I drank absinthe. A character in the story related a similar instance in his past...
Yikes... a big welcome to the sudden influx of visitors that have suddenly appeared at my doorstep on their way out of Poppy's journal...

Dig through my archives... there's a good story or two in there somewhere...

And, if you're cute and gay, I'm single! Drop me a line... or buy me a birthday present from my Wish List... cuz my birthday's Tuesday. *wink*
Ok... so I can tell now... my cool invitation was to go to dinner at my favorite New Orleans restaurant, Marisol, with Poppy Z, another friend of hers and a writer for Entertainment Weekly, who was in town doing an article on her for an upcoming issue. I've been dying to eat there recently, but I've been way too broke, so the invitation to dine on someone else's expense account was splendid.

I was a bit nervous going into the dinner, cuz I'm not generally big on social situations where I don't know people very well and I was going to be dining with two people I didn't know and another who I've had a very casual friendship with (more on that in a bit). But, it turned out great. Poppy did an excellent job of putting together a good party for conversation. Troy, the reporter, was a handsome shy intellectual New Yorker and he reports on books, so we had ready built conversation. And Laura, Poppy's other friend, was a quintessential New Orleans girl who I loved from the second I met her.

So, dinner basically rocked along. We all ate rather hedonistic fare... well, I did anyway... You can read what everyone had over at Poppy's journal. My meal consisted of foie gras en bocal for an appetizer and sesame crusted hebi on red cooked porkbelly and haricots vert (sp?) with a citrus sauce. Poppy blogged that it was a soy-sesame sauce... but I'm pretty sure I remember it being citrus... The foie gras was insanely decadent, flavored with black truffles and cognac, with coarse sea salt and fresh cracked black pepper. We also were served oysters on the half shell, but I don't remember exactly what was special about them... but they were quite special.. oh yeah... and the amuse bouche had really yummy caviar in it...

After dinner, we headed down the street to the Spotted Cat for a while for more drinks and jazz. It was just the right amount of crowded with a pretty eclectic crowd. One of my favorite parts of the night was a brief conversation I had with an elderly gent who turned out to be the former curator of the Jazz Museum. Poppy and Troy headed out after a bit, due to his early flight today, but Laura and I stayed and yakked it up for quite a bit. We totally bonded and discovered we knew a couple of people in common. She owns a groovy little shop in the Quarter called Little Shop of Fantasy that sells masks and such.

Anyways, I'm totally indebted to Poppy for a great nite. And a nice upshot from the evening is that I'm finally comfortable referring to her as my friend. I've known her to varying degrees for several years now and it's been a strange progression from fan to internet interaction to a professional relationship. We've communicated and run into each other for quite a while. A moment from my life turned into a minor event in one of her short stories. She gave me her phone number a couple of years ago. She let me read her new novel months before it was published. But, when her name has come up and anyone has asked me, "oh... you're friends with her?", I've always replied, "well, um... sort of."

Fame is an odd beast. I can't quite imagine what it must be to have it. But it sure must complicate things sometimes.

Anyways, I think last nite I finally passed a point where I don't think of this adorable goofy little woman as "Poppy Z. Brite" anymore... now she's Poppy. And yes, damn it, she's my friend. Also, she doesn't know it yet, but Laura and I have plotted more nights of drinking with her in the near future...

Ugh... I'm so weirded out about posting this on some level even... that 'fame' thing...

Friday, March 05, 2004

Well, this was a shock. I downloaded the first episode of Kingdom Hospital and just started watching it. I dunno if it's gonna be good or not, but they get HUGE points for using Ivy for their theme...

Thursday, March 04, 2004

I've been having a complete nervous breakdown the last couple of days because I haven't been able to access to download new torrents. I am SUCH a geek, b/c downloading is how I watch tv now.

Anyways, I browsed their forums this morning and discovered that the site has moved to a new IP address and the DNS hasn't updated yet. (God... I am a geek...) So, if like me, you're hungry for new torrents... use to get them...

Wednesday, March 03, 2004


I'll admit that I never thought much of Firefly, when it originally aired on Fox. But, that was mainly because the network stupidly interfered with the show's creators and showed the episodes out of order. Based on my faith on Joss Whedon's other work, I picked up the DVD set right after Christmas and I found a much more complex show than I expected.

The idea of a western in space isn't new and sounds a little odd, but when you think about it, the early years of space colonization will probably very much be like the old West. It will after all be a new frontier.

Anyways, the rumors have been flying for a while and now's it definite! There's gonna be a movie.

Behold the power of the DVD set. Firefly gets a movie. Family Guy gets new life. Life is good.

Tuesday, March 02, 2004

I never blogged Mardi Gras... um, ok...

Jason from L.A.
More Parades
Lorna, my upstairs neighbor
did i mention Sex?
More drinking...

Monday, March 01, 2004

Speaking of books... Pandora's Star by Peter F. Hamilton is out in the US tomorrow! I haven't read it yet, never got around to buying the UK version, but the reviews on it have been splendidly positive. I firmly utterly totally completely believe current space opera is best currently written by Brits. I expect this book to further make my case.

Shit... which means I need to get to reading on Codex...
I'm a little over 50 pages into Codex by Lev Grossman and I'm quite involved. There's a certain type of book that's few and far between... literary thrillers involving arcane texts, mysterious messengers and an immersion into diabolical goings-on that spin the main characters down mad pathways.

Past examples would be Eight by Katherine Neville, Foucault's Pendulum by Umberto Eco and The Club Dumas by Arturo Perez-Reverte. Dan Brown attempts to write these types of books, but despite his best efforts and recent popularity, doesn't quite succeed.

Anyways, I'm really digging Codex so far. I'll let ya know how it turns out...

Saturday, February 28, 2004

wait... when did craigslist come to New Orleans???
I don't believe in censorship. But I talk about my love of Science Fiction literature on here every once in a while. I've never been a fan of Orson Scott Card's books myself, but I know a lot of people who are. Huge fans even. So, tonite, while reading Poppy's journal I came across her reaction to this hateful piece of shit written by him.

Please... don't ever ever ever buy anything by this hateful bigoted son of a bitch. If you own his books, tear them into little pieces and throw them out, or better yet, find out an address for him and mail the pieces back to him. And be sure to let any friend of yours who is a possible reader of his know where Mr Card's feelings lay. No gay scifi fan should ever unsuspectingly spend one penny of their money to support him, nor should any of their friends.

(And yeah, I know that I'm reacting exactly like he says "we" will...)
I just got home from work and found the craziest coolest invitation in my email. I don't wanna jinx it by talking about it yet. But... I'll be blogging about it either late next Friday or sometime Saturday, assuming it happens...

It involves Liquor, food, pop culture and literature... that's all I'm saying...

Friday, February 27, 2004

I've gone on record before for my hatred of our current political 'regime' in the US. I know friends of mine want me to get angry and rant on here about it some more. But more than angry, I'm sometimes more exhausted and scared and disappointed.

How can a society that's supposed to be so enlightened and mature accept the venom and hatred that our President and other leaders spew in supposed support of 'family values'? It's hate and fear. Pure and simple. They hate me because I'm not like them. They hate me because they don't understand me and they don't want to even try to understand me. So, it's easier to marginalize my exist. To rationalize that what I deserve aren't equal rights. That the simple everyday assurances that everyone should have and that only heterosexuals have when it comes to just about any basic right associated with a relationship aren't rights, they're special privileges.

Our spiritual leaders are right there in line with our political leaders. Somehow, they think the best way to teach the young of our land morals and values is to espouse hatred towards those who are differrent.

And the most upsetting thing to me is that I know my neighbors, people I work with, members of my own family and people I smile at as I pass on the street every day all think the same way. And a lot of them would probably lie to my face about how they actually feel.

It's been a long time since I've been in a long term committed relationship, but I like to think it's possible that it'll happen again. And I'd like to know that if it does, the LOVE that I share with someone is equal in every way to the love that anyone else in this country shares with whoever they choose to love.

Equal, not separate. Equal, as in exactly the same as any great love. Not separate. Not different. Equal. It's about love, you idiots. Stop with the hate already. Just stop...
He's sent me emails saying that everything is fine where he is in the Dominican Republic, but I worry about Dave (ex-boyfriend, bestest friend) because of the current situation in Haiti...

Friday, February 20, 2004


Krypto is the BOMB. There is nothing on the planet cooler than Superman's faithful canine sidekick, Krypto. This is fact. Don't even think of arguing the point with me...

Tuesday, February 17, 2004

You can read Chapter One of Poppy Z. Brite's forthcoming novel, LIQUOR, here...

Sunday, February 15, 2004

ok.. i haven't done one of these in a while, but I really liked the result...

Which Famous Homosexual are you?
Brought to you by Rum and Monkey

Friday, February 13, 2004

VIVE la Fete!

Long live the party indeed! My tunes angel, Walter, introduced me to Vive La Fete earlier tonite and I've been grooving in a total fag-out dance mode all nite... Thank you, Belgium!

Thursday, February 12, 2004

YAY! I just found a post from January on (estheronline) saying Esthero has finally finished recording a new album... I have thoroughly worn out the first one over the last couple of years...
so, last nite, i got paged to the Info desk at my store and found my ex (the recent one) waiting for me... i helped him pick out a couple of books... and picked him up after work for drinks...

*sigh* i'm so not over him...
and, c'mon.. how much do we adore that picture of me off to your left right now?

so... how much do we love this picture of The Knife accepting their Swedish Grammy for Best Pop Group?

If you're not hip to THE BEST BAND OUT THERE RIGHT NOW, go here now and listen to some samples...

Tuesday, February 10, 2004

Since my birthday (3/9) is less than a month away... I went ahead and updated my Wish Lists.... you know, just in case...

Monday, February 09, 2004

Oh baby... me wants this phone!

Wednesday, February 04, 2004

more music...

Deepest Blue - Give it Away

ok... i know this song is completely clubby and completely cheesy... but I LOVE it. Their first single Deepest Blue is just starting to play in the clubs here in NOLA and I love it too, but I'm totally crazy about the new one. It's just good ole basic vocal house music with male vocals. I dunno.. they just make me happy...

Lene Marlin - Another Day

Lene Marlin is a 23 year old Norwegian goddess who should be an American superstar. Another Day is one of my favorite albums of late last year. If, like me, you were waiting patiently for Sarah McLachlan to put out her long delayed album last year only to discover that she'd been laboring over a boring piece of crap... well, Lene Marlin is the cure for your disappointment. The album is a great companion to the Air and Zero 7 albums I mentioned earlier, though it's much more pop... strong songwriting by the artist herself, lovely vocals, great music.

again, more later....


Tuesday, February 03, 2004

I haven't mentioned music (or much else) on here lately, so... here's what I've been grooving to lately...

Zoot Woman - Zoot Woman
my buddy, PJ does a pretty good job of describing why this is a good album in the review he wrote for Pitchfork...

Britney Spears - Toxic
c'mon... you know you like it... with it's Spaghetti Western strings and bumping beat, this is possibly the best song Britney's ever done and is about five kabillion times better than that horrid duet with Madonna... the remixes have just leaked out and the best one by far is the Bloodshy & Avant Intoxicated Mix, which really doesn't change a lot about the song... the worst is by Felix da Housecat... after a couple of other recent mediocre mixes, i'm actually beginning to wonder if he's lost the magic touch... I guess we'll see when his new studio album is out later this year...

Zero 7 - When it Falls
one of the two most anticipated albums of early 2004 for me... it's fucking brilliant, every bit as good as Simple Things... the first single, Home, is probably the stand out track, it's not quite as brilliant as Destiny from the first one, but it's still amazing... absolutely essential late nite listening... along with...

Air - Talkie Walkie
i was lucky enough to score this album well over a month before it came out, and it's a must buy CD... Moon Safari was THE album of 1998, unfortunately while the song Playground Love from the Virgin Suicides soundtrack was equally stunning, nothing else the group has done since Moon Safari has had quite the same elegant beauty about it... but they've reversed a bit and gone back to find the magic that was missing... this album will be firmly lodged in a lot of top 10 lists at the end of this year, including mine...

Blondie - Good Boys
I know this song has been out in the UK for a while, but I just heard it in a bar a couple of weeks ago and it caught my attention, making me turn to watch the video screen... "really good video with a charismatic singer", I thought... i was a bit shocked to see the credits at the end of it... wow... Debbie Harry's not fat any more!... anyways, damned catchy song... who'da thunk it?

anything and everything that the Death From Above production team touches is blazingly brilliant... LCD Soundsytem's Yeah is tearing up my iPod on a daily basis... their remixes of Chromeo, Le Tigre, Fischerspooner, Floetry, Metro Area, Radio 4, Junior Senior and even Mariah Fucking Carey have all been the absolute bomb... they seriously have the funk....

more later.... i'm tired of typing html....

Monday, February 02, 2004

I don't really go out looking for new blogs to read much anymore, but I followed a link that led me to towleroad. And I'm totally smitten...

There's nothing sexier than a smart guy with impeccable taste in music.

Friday, January 30, 2004

Ladies and gentlemen, Anne Rice is leaving the building...


Wednesday, January 28, 2004


I haven't felt inspired to blog anything about my life, but I figured I could at least clean up my links on the side this morning. I'd noticed a few days ago that several of the blogs I linked were dead. So... I decided to zap them. The biggest decision was whether or not to delete a really good friend's blog since he hasn't blogged for over 2 months. And then I noticed I hadn't linked Michael aka Dogpoet, so I added him.

Then I went on over and caught up on his always thoughtful musings. And at the end of the first page, I ran into this post.

So... um, I guess Jonno shouldn't be too mad at me for deleting his link, huh?

Sunday, January 18, 2004

This is what happens when I get bored...

Blog Archive

About Me

Lafayette, Louisiana, United States